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Fellowship is so important for a healthy church. It connects you with fellow believers and strengthens your relationship with God. Here are some opportunities to connect with our church family.

Sunday Evening Fellowship

Every Sunday, after our 5PM service, we gather in the Fellowship Hall for a meal. Easy meals are the go-to themes for these nights, but you are not required to bring anything to eat with us, especially if you are a guest. The theme of the night is announced ahead of time and displayed/shared on our screens in the sanctuary.


Men's Brotherhood

Unless stated otherwise, the men get together the second Tuesday of every month for a devotional and meal in the Fellowship Hall. You are invited to join at 7PM regardless if you are a member or not.


Women's Fellowship

The women often make dinner plans and go to events together throughout the year. They may have dinner together while the men are at Men's Brotherhood, or take a weekend trip somewhere fun. There will be texts sent out, announcements made, and calendar updates on these outings as they happen.


Team Kids

Wednesday Night class dedicated to teaching kids about Jesus through activities and lessons. If your child needs a ride, our church van is available to pick them up. Just let us know through Facebook or our website (or just let a member know) and we'll be sure to come get them and bring them home after services.


Wednesday Night Bible Study

Mid-week service at 7pm.

Stay Updated on News & Events

Members can get regular text updates through FlockNote (see Sis. Tammy Talley for help), and everyone can see our regularly updated Calendar here.

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